Do Headline Analyzers Work? A Data-Driven Answer

Headline analyzers are a popular way to come up with great headlines and try to predict their effectiveness. All you need to do is write your headline and the tool will give it a score telling you how effective it’s likely to be. But can these free headline analyzers accurately predict which headline will perform best? Or are they yet another tool that keeps us busy and prevents us from focusing on what matters?...

March 12, 2019 · 9 min · 1787 words · Benjamin Houy

The Best Headline A/B Testing Tools (And Why You May Not Want to Use Them)

What if you could bring 28% more visitors to your blog and get 75% more shares just by rewriting your blog post titles? That’s exactly what content marketing agency Priceonomics did. And today, I would like to show you how you can do it too by reviewing the main AB testing tools. But first, let’s see why A/B testing isn’t always a good idea! 3 good reasons not to A/B test your blog post titles Before you even begin AB testing headlines, there are 2 important questions you need to ask yourself....

January 15, 2019 · 8 min · 1537 words · Benjamin Houy