The Do's and Don'ts of Finding Your Blog Niche

There is a lot of bad advice when it comes to finding a blog niche. “Write about your passion.” “Choose the most profitable niche.” “Don’t choose a crowded niche.” This advice is well-intentioned but ignores key psychological principles and causes many bloggers to give up blogging after a few months. That’s a shame because finding what you want to blog about is simply finding the intersection between what people want and what you want....

January 21, 2020 · 13 min · 2628 words · Benjamin Houy

Is Your Article's Date Destroying Your Rankings?

Having a recent date associated with your article could be the difference between a page 1 ranking and a page 5 ranking. This means that you should not only keep your content up-to-date but also make sure that Google knows it’s up-to-date. This article will show you how to find out the dates Google associates with your articles and make sure these dates don’t hurt your rankings. It will also answer a question lots of bloggers ask: should you remove dates from my posts?...

January 10, 2020 · 8 min · 1509 words · Benjamin Houy

This 20-Minute On-Page SEO Checklist Could Save Your Rankings

What’s the worst thing that could happen to your blog? For many bloggers, the answer is getting blacklisted by Google and seeing all their organic traffic vanish overnight. And a common way this happens is when Google realizes your blog is infected before you do and simply blacklists you. This almost happened to my friend Anna from Garlic Delight a few days ago. Luckily a few simple SEO checks allowed her to notice the malware and get rid of it before being blacklisted....

December 11, 2019 · 7 min · 1487 words · Benjamin Houy

How to Get Interviewed (Even If You Are Not Well-Known in Your Niche)

When people talk about interview link building, they mostly talk about expert interviews, you interview experts on your blog in the hope that they will then share your interview and link to it. But doing the opposite also works. If you have interesting hobbies or any kind of expertise, there are likely dozens of blogs and podcasts that would be happy to interview you and you may find getting interviewed easier than finding experts to interview....

July 3, 2019 · 10 min · 1935 words · Benjamin Houy

The Best Way to Come up with Catchy Blog Post Titles

Copywriting legend David Ogilvy once said that “on the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” That’s great news because it means a great blog post title has the power to attract lots of readers to your blog and to help you build your business. Unfortunately, it also means that nobody will read your article if the blog title sucks....

May 22, 2019 · 18 min · 3759 words · Benjamin Houy